Thursday, April 3, 2008

Why They Will Get Away With it Again!

Isn't it great to be fat, dumb and happy?  Today the government came out and talked about the details of the Bear Stearns bail-out.  To be so stinking rich that you never have to worry about ever losing what you have, this has to be a most comforting feeling.  JPMorgan was indeed very generous when they decided to raise the per share price of the B.S. stocks to 10 bucks, up from the 2 that they had originally partaken of.  So, how would you have spent your part of the 29 billion dollars used to take the sting out of JPMorgan coming in to save the day?  Sadly, I can say that I will more than likely not immediately notice it.  But it has to come from some where, and that will probably be from programs that help those that could really use it.  I wonder if JP is going to guarantee the pensions and retirements of all the folks who had worked to make B.S. function day to day.  I should hope so, what with the 29 billion that they didn't have to pay I should think they could manage something. What are the chances that our dear government will do anything to help those folks.  Why stop at just helping keep the company afloat.  Why does it have to end there? How can anyone argue that it is okay to bail out corporations but it isn't okay to help out those in the middle and lower classes that seek bankruptcy protection?  It couldn't be that the corporations are looked at as being more important than the people from whom they benefit, is it?  By the people for the people.  Remember?  What has to happen for all Americans to understand that this means something.  And that there are factions within our country that are fighting with the mighty dollar to keep this from happening.   Corporations are not people.  Corporations are machines.  People are but the oil that finds itself lodged between the cogs of the gears that corporations use to operate.  Sometimes machines work well, sometime they are just B.S.  And this is how they get away with it.  Our government, which is run by two parties that are increasingly if not already inextricably connected to the corporate machine, has allowed for those with the most to screw up and make those with the least pick up the tab.  


CONAN RIDZ said...
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CONAN RIDZ said...

I don't know if there was any doubt that "they" were going to get away with it. I think your point that the corporation is more important than the people it employs is completely right. It really shouldn't come as a surprise though. Look at the representation of corporations in D.C. versus the representation that the citizens of this country have. I don't know what the exact # of lobbyist's that represent corps is, but we the people have 435. 435 to represent 300 million. I believe that works out to about 1 rep. for every 670,000 of us. As I stated earlier I don't know the exact # of lobbyist's in D.C., but I would venture to say the ratio is a bit better. Or the ratio is a bit more in favor of the corporations. If we had an equal representation in D.C. I think things would be much different. Or maybe I should say if the corps. had a comparable amount of representation things would be different. Of course this isn't the case is it. The corps of this country (and a few from outside of this country) have armies of lobbyists backed by billions of dollars to bribe and manipulate law makers. Is the answer to get rid of the lobbyist's all together? Do we increase our representation? I'm not entirely sure. The corporate machine and the political machine are one in the same. We the people, well we have a seat in the bleachers. Every once in awhile we get a pretty good wave going, but then we realize that we need more beer and the kid wants a hot dog. Or our cell phone rings with our favorite stupid 80's ringtone. We're too preoccupied with our own lives to pay attention to the world that has disappeared around us. Is sloth one of the deadly sins? If it is, we've committed it. Yes Rob they will get away with it again and again. They will get away with it for the reasons that you and I have mentioned in our rants. Although I think your intro line nailed it."Isn't it great to be fat, dumb and happy?" Who were you talking about? Us or them?..............your brother in anger......Conan